Sometimes our photos are firmly grounded in the people, places, and events of Greensboro. Sometimes, the photos are taken in Greensboro, but technically, could have been taken anywhere. Today's photo (the latter example) was captured in the Target parking lot in Jefferson Village. A dad and his daughter went to Target and from the moment they got out of the car until they entered the building, they were on the great, joyful, imaginary plane ride. The dad's arms are extended in full flight mode, the little one's wings had more movement. Can you see the bounce in her step? Their conversation exuded imagination in full force.
Sometimes, we wish for big vacations in distant places. However, in the eyes of a child, a fun round of imagination and creativity- with an adult who makes you feel loved and secure- is all it takes to build positive memories that will last a lifetime. Sometimes, when children go on errands with adults, they feel the stress of the adults. As we enter the Fourth of July week, let us all approach the upcoming days with the unbridled joy of a child. Tomorrow is the Solstice Festival in the Arboretum and this Tuesday is Fun Fourth, downtown. As we greet one another at these wonderful community events, let's do so jubilantly. If you see the people who have worked tirelessly to make these events happen, please thank them for their hard work.
Happy Friday... preparing for takeoff!