Darkness is arriving noticeably sooner. Tonight, in Greensboro, the sun will set at 5:07 p.m. Once we embrace the darkness, it can actually be fun to head outside at sunset and twilight and see the magical skies. The above photo was taken off of Clifton Road and Merritt Drive. The above silhouette looks like it could be on a rural farm. In reality, it is a photo of the western skies from a parking lot on the western side of town.
The winter solstice will be on Monday, December 21st. There will also be a "Christmas star" that night- the two giant gas planets will be the closest together they have been since the 17th century.* In Greensboro, it is currently predicted to rain on Sunday and be partly cloud on Monday. Let's hope the skies will be clear enough to see this Christmas/solstice star. Maybe we can wish upon a star...or a planet! Happy Friday, we are connecting to Skywatch Friday. Click that link and you can see sky shots from all over planet earth!
* reference and read more HERE.