Nature Promotes Healing is a circular sign in the Garden at Cone Health Wesley Long Hospital. In the background, to the left of the path is a stone that reads, Healing Gardners Fund in Loving Memory of Irene "Cissy" Hall, Richard D. Hall, Jr. and family. In 2014, her family donated at the Gold Level Sponsorship in her memory to the Cone Health Center for Children. She died in 2013 after a seven year battle with cancer. According to her obituary, she and her husband resided in Greensboro and Highlands, NC.
The garden, and the stone dedicated to Mrs. Hall, remind us of the beauty people can create for others, even in times of adversity and sadness. If you haven't been to the garden in front of the Cone Health Cancer, it is a lovely place to walk in every season. The Healing Garden is open year round from dawn to dusk. There is signage to help you appreciate what you are viewing. There are Wetland and Meditation Gardens and well-cleared path to traverse them. The Healing Garden is especially to walk with a friend who may need a little extra comforting. Before you know it, the gardens will begin displaying blooms and brighter colors.
Have a happy Tuesday and be sure to read the signage and take in the artwork if you get by the Healing Garden.