Look at this beauty of a green bungalow on Perry Street in the Dunleath neighborhood. It is hard to believe that it was built in 1895, 129 years ago. It is absolutely charming and the neighborhood has such a neighborly atmosphere. They are famous for Porchefest, an early June event where homeowners loan out their porches to musicians and people set up lawn chairs going from yard to yard enjoying the free concerts. They have sidewalks and you see people using them regularly. Additionally, there is a Kentucky Derby Party and there is a free little library, a box to get free jigsaw puzzles, and one to get free art. Additionally, there are trails, access to the greenway and downtown. The Greensboro Farmers Curb Market and all of NCA&T's resources are within walking distance. It is such a special community and this is such a special house.
Happy Monday!