It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Downton Greensboro. Last night was the Festival of Lights and there were activities from LeBauer Park to Gate City Boulevard. The above photo was the artificial snow being generated at Hamburger Square. Some children were experiencing "snow" for the first time. This year, a laser light show was added just southeast of the railroad tracks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. The Festival of Lights is a special event for Greensboro, because it appeals to people of all ages, perfect for families.
As we were walking from Spring Street where we parked- quite a long way from Elm, a young girl and her mom asked us for directions. Next thing you know, as we were crossing the street, the girl, about in first grade with a "be kind" backpack, asked if she and her mom could walk with us. Her mom was on the phone trying to figure out where her other relatives were. The girl, Nia, explained that they were trying to find the Disney princesses. She looked up and said, "Elsa's going to be there, but I'm not sure if her sister will be there or not." At that very moment, we were reminded of those magical years of childhood, where children still believe; in humanity, the kindness of strangers, and that princess are real. That interaction with Nia may just go down as one of our great memories of the 2022 Christmas season.
Today, St. Andrews Church (2501 W. Market Street) is holding their Deck the Halls Market from 10am- 3pm. The Holiday Parade downtown starts at noon. The fiberglass at Santa is waving 24/7 now. The nativity scene is back on the lawn of Greensboro College. Tomorrow, the Greensboro Curb Market will have another Made 4 the Holidays craft show. Literally, you could do something seasonal every hour of the day between now and Christmas.
Happy Saturday!