Yesterday morning, we noticed construction being put into place at the newest neighborhood on Horse Pen Creek Road. Keystone is a neighborhood of apartments near New Garden Road. Cresting the hill on Horse Pen Creek Road, we noticed this praying mantis-like piece of equipment hovering above the cleared acreage. The 1-3 bedroom apartments boast many amenities. The leasing office is on Seabiscuit Lane, the main entrance into the neighborhood.
According to the Triad Business Journal, Keystone Homes, established 1996, is the #1 privately held housing developer in North Carolina. Scott Wallace is president and Mark Michael is vice president. Their headquarters is located at 3708 Alliance Drive, , off of Wendover near the car dealerships. Horse Pen Creek is no longer your sleepy little, heavily wooded road. It will be interesting to see this community finished.
Happy Friday!