Today is Palm Sunday; for Christians, the day Christ entered into Jerusalem. It is the first day of Holy Week. So why does the above photo feature the Minerva Statue on the campus * of UNCG? Well, last week, we were walking across campus and noticed the apples are back. As tradition has it, since Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, justice, law, and victory, college students leave an apple, with one bite out, at her base to bring them luck during exams. However, curiously, we noticed someone was placing Easter eggs at the base, too. We had to investigate.
As it turns out, college students (a few, off on the right edge of the photo, you can see a couple of them) were placing the plastic eggs in highly visible places. Inside was a piece of candy and a note advertising a church service geared towards college students. a service and a late night party at Mercy Hill Church, the northwest campus at 5330 Edgefield Road. Stuffed in with a wrapped piece of candy, the message read, "Join us as we celebrate Easter with other college students across the Triad! We would love to see you there." The students felt like the Easter egg hunt would be more effective than just having an informational table. Let's hope the effort worked for them and that the students who are looking for Christian fellowship found their way to Mercy Hill. Mercy Hill has 5 campuses in Guilford County and services all this week, including a "Walk through" experience on Good Friday. See their schedule of events for the week HERE. There will be something to do almost every day this week. We're wondering how the students hiding the eggs in plain sight became affiliated with Mercy Hill and whether or not new students attended this week.
Have a great week, and, if you are looking for a spiritual connection, this is a good week to find it.
Happy Palm Sunday!
* watch this short Youtube video about the Minerva statue. See HERE for the story of the sculptor of the Minerva statue, James Barnhill.