Tiny House Development is a non-profit working throughout North Carolina. The Tiny House Training and Recycling Center in Greensboro is located at 1310 West Gate City Boulevard. One of their main goals of the organization is to help people who are homeless by providing homes that owners can afford. Payments are built at the residents' given income levels. One of their big projects was the Hammer Tiny House Community on Causey Street. Here is our photo of the Causey Street community from 2019.
The above tiny house is an example of the look of the homes. While not all of the homes look exactly the same, as a rule, each home has a bedroom, kitchen, living space, and a bathroom. The homes range from 180- almost 300 square feet. Many might question how one could live in such a small space. However, for those who live there, having a warm comfortable place to sleep, a way to cook their own food, and a place to internet surf or a tv is not only enough, it is plenty. Have a great weekend and, if you get a chance, explore this tiny home wave that is swelling in Greensboro.
*Reference and additional information, here.