Sunrise is at 7:30 today. Driving around Greensboro, on sunny, winter days, you may notice that it seems as if the sun is always in our eyes. In the northern hemisphere in the winter, the earth's tilt is away from the sun, creating this lower position of the sun on the horizon. This photo shows this intensity. It was taken at 8:30 am, prime rush hour! Sun in our eyes, snow, and cold weather; alas, winter has arrived. According to WFMY News, as of 5:00 am on January 11th, Greensboro had 2.1 inches of snow. Just a little bit north of us (Mayodan, Toast, and Mt. Airy) received between 4-5 inches. Equally challenging were those cold temperatures and winter weather usually lasts through February.
On Friday and today, Guilford County School teachers are teaching remotely, a plan that hasn't been utilized since the COVID Era. To be sure the central office administrators are doing what they think wisest for the district, making decisions with "an abundance of caution." And yes, there are GCS employees checking at 3:00 am in various parts of the county to determine road conditions. We are a big district. While school closures affect businesses and families, at the end of the day, keeping children safe is a top priority. What will the rest of the winter bring? We hope you are safe, warm, and have an understanding boss if you have children at home today and need to stay home with them.
Happy Monday!