The Wagoners first got involved in trees through a 4-H project back in the 1940s. The Wagoners planted red cedars in Gibsonville to help raise money for their 16-year0old twins for college. Over the last 35 years, Greensboro residents have come to associate the name Fred and Dot Wagoner with Christmas tree lots. The Wagoner business is now owned by Bradley Lowe who continues to use the Wagoner name. From arriving to the tree lot, under the multiple story inflatable snowman, to getting a Christmas tree wrapped and loaded in the car, the whole process of buying a live tree is meant to be a memory-maker for families.
The above lot is located in the 1600 block of Battleground Avenue, beside Shannon Lee Furniture and the former location of McKay's Books. You can't miss it. When we saw the lot on Friday, there were plenty of trees; however, we don't know how much longer they'll be set up. It is so much fun watching the little ones run through a tree lot. Fred died in 2011 and Dot died in 2020. * They are gone, but their legacy lives on.
Happy Monday! Happy day before Christmas Eve.
*See Dot's obituary, HERE.