A "Putz" is a depiction of the story of Jesus' birth. It is a cherished Moravian tradition. The above photo features about 1/3 of the Putz at the First Moravian Church of Greensboro, located on South Elam Avenue. The whole display takes up an entire stage. We figured a close up of a segment would be more meaningful than a view from afar where no details are visible. Most of the features are a few inches or less. This tradition dates back to the 18th century. The word originates from the German word, "putzen" to decorate
The Moravian religion, also known as Unitas Fratrum or Unity of Brethren, dates back to 1457 near Prague. The first Moravians settled in the Piedmont area of North Carolina in 1753. It was not until 155 years later that the first Greensboro Moravian Church was organized (1908) on East Lee Street, and the church at 304 South Elam opened in 1949. Greensboro has a lot of religious diversity and it continues to diversity. Anyone who is Christian, or likes learning about other religions, should stop by the First Moravian Church for a service and to see the Putz. The Moravians have so many beautiful traditions,
Happy Last Sunday before Christmas!