Today is the fourth day of Hanukkah, the fourth day of Christmas, and the third day of Kwanzaa. The first day of Christmas is always December 25th. The first day of Kwanzaa is always December 26th. However, Hanukkah does not have a fixed date and this year, the first of the eight days was on December 25th. The last time this happened was in 2005, and the two holidays have only coincided four times since 1900. While all three holidays have a different significance, they all celebrate light. In the northern hemisphere, we are in the darkest days in December and these holidays remind us of the importance of light.
Yesterday was overcast, dark, and dreary. But, if you knew where to look in the Greensboro area, you could find light. Last night was the final evening of the Christmas light display at High Point University and about 800 cars were estimated to have gone through. The Winter Wonder Lights were going strong at the Greensboro Science Center. A Kwanzaa celebration was held at Peeler Recreational Center and continues for all seven days of Kwanzaa. Hanukkah was being celebrated at Temple Emanuel on Jefferson Road. Last night was also the Jewish Sabbath, so the celebration was especially moving. Whatever or however you celebrate, know there is light and it starts from within; however, candles are a warm reminder.
Happy Saturday!