Have you ever notices the Adopt-A-Street signs around town? Are you part of an organization that has adopted a street? In Greensboro, the Parks & Recreation Department oversees the Adopt-A-Street program. This is a two year agreement for groups to clean their street four times a year and to report the clean up activity to the city. Trash bags and gloves are provided. Neon vests and trash grabbers are also available- unless they all happen to be checked out. There are guidelines for where and how to leave the bags of collected trash, but the program is a very relaxed one that brings great joy to the neighborhoods, businesses, and houses along the way.
For Greensboro Daily Photo, we urban-walk a lot and stumbled on the above sign when leaving Greene Street and turning right on Spring Garden (between Gateway Plaza and the railroad tracks). We were intrigued to see Spring Garden is sponsored by THE UNO CLUB. Could that possibly be Mattel's game of UNO? As it turns out, UNCG, indeed, has an Uno Club. When classes are in session, the club meets to play UNO for about an hour a week, as a way to relax and enjoy a little friendly competition. We're guessing the street cleaning is a way for university students to also get to know and give back to the community where they study. Spring Garden Street is five miles long. beginning in the 300 block of South Elm Street downtown and continuing to Market Street, after which point it becomes Muirs Chapel. Conveniently, the adopted street of the UNO CLUB runs through the UNCG campus. We tried to find a master list of all streets being sponsored and their sponsors. So far, no luck.
There are so many volunteer opportunities with the City of Greensboro. See HERE if you are looking to share your time and talents with our community. That would make a great New Year's resolution.
Happy Monday!