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« Downtown Greensboro in LeBauer Park | Main | Vote, Tomorrow! »

Sunday, November 03, 2024


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Nollie W. Neill, Jr

THANK YOU for posting this photo of my old Scout Troop. My parents where charter members of Irving Park UMC, when my mother passed away last year, she was the last charter member. I grew up in this church, received my Eagle Scout award in 1974 and have many, many fond memories. Living just up the hill behind the church, we use to ride sleds down Lafayette and end up in the Church's side yard. Of course this was when Lafayette dead end just past our house and Mendenhall & new section wasn't there. I was honored to be one of 4 speakers at the Churches 60th Anniversary a few years ago. I'm proud of everything IPUMC has meant to the community!!

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