Yesterday morning, we noticed construction being put into place at the newest neighborhood on Horse Pen Creek Road. Keystone is a neighborhood of apartments near New Garden Road. Cresting the hill on Horse Pen Creek Road, we noticed this praying mantis-like piece of equipment hovering above the cleared acreage. The 1-3 bedroom apartments boast many amenities. The leasing office is on Seabiscuit Lane, the main entrance into the neighborhood.
According to the Triad Business Journal, Keystone Homes, established 1996, is the #1 privately held housing developer in North Carolina. Scott Wallace is president and Mark Michael is vice president. Their headquarters is located at 3708 Alliance Drive, , off of Wendover near the car dealerships. Horse Pen Creek is no longer your sleepy little, heavily wooded road. It will be interesting to see this community finished.
Happy Friday!
When ready? Need an apartment...
Posted by: Sharon Anderson | Friday, September 13, 2024 at 05:39 PM