Well, Year 10 of the NC Folk Festival has come and gone. The music was spectacular, the weather perfect, and the new layout along Church Street seemed to work well. Additionally, there was a stage on Elm, one in the Cultural Arts Center, and one in LeBauer Park, and it seemed to work well. The above photo features the Center City Jams Stage, which was half way between the (Train) Depot Stage and the Wyndham Stage. UNCG was one of the sponsors and many alumni helped and/or performed at the festival; as was the case with the above musicians. During this performance, we were seated by a former UNCG professor who flew in all the way from Washington State for the festival. He had taught at least two of the above musicians. The above group performing at the Honky Tonk Jam, led by Mark Dillon (UNCG Class of 2010), was not one that rehearses together, but people who love music and just got together to jam at the festival. They were fantastic. That driving honky tonk sound had the audience enthralled- including us.
Now back to concentrating on all things fall. The season is upon us.
Happy Monday!