The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) brings secondary-level educators from participating countries to the United States for six weeks. During their time in the USA, they attend academic seminars at a host university, travel, experience short homestays, and have a 40-hour field experience co-teaching with American public school teachers. UNCG is one of eight host institutions and the only one in North Carolina selected for this prestigious opportunity. The above photo features the international teachers, their American co-teachers, and Dr. Maria Anastasiou (bottom row, left). Dr. Anastasiou is Associate Provost and Senior International Officer in the Global Engagement Office at UNCG. She oversees the Fulbright TEA Program, ensuring participants have a rich and meaningful experience and that the expectations in the Fulbright grant are followed with fidelity. Also in the photo is Dr. Jane He (top right), Assistant Professor in Teacher Education and Higher Education at UNCG. Dr. He provides academic seminars for the Fulbright TEAs and co-teachers.
We selected the "fun" photo to feature today because it shows how much the Fulbright teachers and their American co-teachers were enjoying their initial day together. Teachers all over the world speak the same language and by the end of the day, friendships were forged. The field experiences begin this week. Participating schools in Greensboro are: The Middle College at UNCG, The Doris Henderson Newcomers School, and Western High School. There are a total of twenty international participants from eighteen countries: Argentina, Bangladesh, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Haiti, Latvia, Moldova, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam. The Fulbright teachers arrived on September 11th and will return to their home countries on October 28th. If you see them around, please give them a warm Greensboro welcome!
(photo by Journalist Will Zimmerman)