For today's photo we only had to go as far as our backyard in Greensboro. We have a raised bed planter full of mustard greens and chard and this tiny frog guards the box diligently. He is only about the size of a thumbnail. We have to watch that we don't disrupt him when we pick greens for dinner. We're not sure what kind of frog he is, but he isn't afraid of his humans.
Below the box, a toad sets up residence every night starting at dark and leaving before dawn. The toad is about the size of an adult hand. If it is indeed the same today we featured earlier (see HERE), he has grown and looks really healthy. It is so fun to stop and observe nature. We hope you have an opportunity to do so. Sometimes, it is just an issue of taking a closer look. Here is a list of amphibians and reptiles in Guilford County, if you are curious about these critters.
Happy Tuesday!