We learned from a Triad Business Journal article (3/22/23) that a planned community of 136 single family homes will be built on the above 16.2 acres between Hobbs Road and Jefferson Village Shopping Center. Yesterday, we noticed that a road has been cut through and machinery is being put into place. This is one of the remaining undeveloped parcels of land that is part of the 414 acre property on New Garden Road. The Jefferson-Pilot Club was located there for 73 years. All employees were entitled to use the club. It was open from 1924- 1997.* Nearby Price Park and the Kathleen Clay Edwards Family Branch Library are two small parcels of the land that are open to the public. The public school, Jefferson Elementary, was also built on the Jefferson-Pilot land.
The road reveals the rocky, red clay soil so common around here. The land is fairly flat, so it should be relatively easy to build and homeowners will be surrounded by plenty of shopping. It was such a beautiful day yesterday. Look at those clouds and notice, dead center in the photo, a bird is flying overhead. As Greensboro, and all of North Carolina, really, continues to be developed. we hope there is some kind of master plan for green spaces and for land to remain undeveloped. Everybody deserves to sit and take in nature as seen here.
Happy Monday!
* see Jim Schlosser's article in the News & Record, HERE.