This past Sunday (8/25/24) was the Food Truck Festival in downtown Greensboro. The above photo was taken on East Friendly Avenue, where the festival extended to Church Street and wrapped around to Summit Avenue. There were over 50 food trucks and the weather was perfect. The above photo was taken about 6:00 p.m. right in the middle of the 3:00-9:00 pm event. Virtually any food you could imagine was available here. Some of the lines were 30+ people deep. One of the funniest names for a food truck was "Get off my QUESO" and yes, they sold Mexican food. Crack-N- Cheese was a big hit, too. They even sold whole turkey legs. We haven't seen those since the last Renaissance Fair we attended!
It seems to work out well to have the Food Truck Festival on a Sunday when downtown traffic is not as heavy and many of the downtown brick and mortar restaurants aren't open on Sundays, therefore, eliminating competition with the food trucks. The fact that it happens on the day before public schools start back is perfect timing. So many more people are back in town and this can be a last hurrah of summer. This is a prelude to what will happen downtown when the North Carolina Folk Festival returns on the weekend of September 6th-8th.
Happy Tuesday. If you have a student, teacher, bus driver, or any kind of school employee in the house, we hope your school year is off to a great start.