Today is the Monday closest to August 26, the day State Law says school can begin. So, happy first day of school! Today, there will be noticeably more traffic, so allow more time to get from Point A to Point B. Also, refresh your memory about driving in school zones and when busses stop- ALWAYS stop when you are behind the bus, but what about if you are on a four lane road with a median?.*
The above photo was taken at the bus parking lot at Dudley High School. In addition to bring students to and from Dudley, the school also serves as a hub, transporting students who ride to out-of-district schools. While the official address of Dudley is 1200 Lincoln Street, Lincoln Street has no outlet and most of the traffic is for The Academy at Lincoln (Middle School). The bus parking lot is on the Willow Road side of the school. Be on the lookout for high school seniors with "Last First Day of School" shirts. When their parents insist on their "first day" photos, those are incredibly cute.
At last count, Guilford County has almost 69,000 public school students. Let's hope they all return, and have a great school year. Guilford County is the third largest district in North Carolina. Of course we like to think it is the BEST. Happy 2024-2025 school year. And please do take the photo, even if your children protest. And let's all be super nice and respectful to our bus drivers.
Happy Monday!
Here's to a year with no incidents with busses or cars; to all children being safe.
* get a refresher course on stopping on two and four lane roads HERE.