TV has been fabulous this summer. First, there was the Republican National Convention, then the Olympic Games, now the Democratic National Convention, and soon the Paralympic Games. We got a little tickled when driving on Pleasant Ridge Road in Northeast Greensboro and saw donkeys grazing. Perhaps we only noticed them because we're watching the Democratic Convention. That got us wondering just how many donkeys there are in Guilford County. It is amazing what you can learn from an Internet search. According to the USDA's 2017 Census of Agriculture, there are 225 donkeys. The county with the most is Buncombe with 349 and, in all, in North Carolina, there are 10,627.* It is fun to check in on these statistics. They are one of many ways to document change. As of 2017, there were 51,279 horses in North Carolina, a decrease of 15,591 when the 2012 Census was published. We are second to Wake County with respect to number of horses.
All of this talking about field animals reminds us that the Central Carolina Fair will open Labor Day weekend at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex, a tradition began in 1898; long before there was a Coliseum Complex. Finally, the State Fair opens on October 17th in Raleigh. There are so many opportunities in the area to connect with nature and agriculture.We hope you take advantage of them; especially on beautiful days like today and yesterday.
Happy Wednesday!
* reference.