The De Tomasa Pantera is a mid-engine sports car produced by the Italian automobile manufacturer DeTomasa, from 1971- 1992. Seven thousand of them were manufactured between those years. We were admiring the pumpkin orange car yesterday, in front of Suds and Duds on Walker Avenue. It has a "Power by Ford" sign on it and one of the men standing there admiring the car with us said that Ford supplied V-8 engines for the car, that was used in racing. He also said that these cars inspired the futuristic cars in the movie Blade Runner. The car certainly drew a crowd.
We love the serendipity of urban walking, seeing something interesting, and becoming part of a group of complete strangers talking about something. Did that meticulously maintained car could not possibly have had an owner who was at the laundry mat? Possibly, they were at Bestway, or one of the bars or restaurants in the area. Possibly, it belonged to a college student, as school is back in session. We wish we'd waited around to see whined it, but then, dinner called Maybe we'll see it again this semester.
Happy Saturday!