The photo is blurry, but you can get this idea that night kayaking on Lake Brandt is fun! Last night was not very well attended because of the late afternoon storm. However, by the time 8:00 p.m. rolled around, the weather was perfect for being on the lake. Greensboro Parks and Rec. have so many events scheduled to get us outdoors (see here). Learn about night kayaking on Lake Brandt and Higgins (here). At night kayaking (or paddling), participants can get on the water at 8:00 p.m. and must be back on shore by 9:45 p.m. You can bring your own kayak and launch for $8 or rent and pay from $15- 30 depending on what you use. People are very social. You can come alone, or bring a friend. Some people were in 'paddle quickly" mode; others made the event a leisurely date night with music and food. We saw one couple listening to music and holding hands not too far from the launch area. It was so sweet.
It is the weekend and all the lakes will be open with plenty of options. Get outdoors! Happy Friday!
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