The Brown-Gardiner, located at 2101 North Elm Street, is a pharmacy and soda fountain and old-fashioned breakfast and lunch counter. It has been serving Greensboro for over 60 years. Their motto is, "The Place to Be". Indeed, it is the place to be. There have been so many good stories written about this community institution (see HERE). Back when Congressman Howard Cable was alive, his office was right across the street and he always loved the food and fellowship when he headed to the lunch counter.
The business opened in 1958 and has been in its current location (formerly a laundry mat) since 1962. Pharmacist Robert Shearin, owner of Brown-Gardiner, her worked there since 1972.* We're not sure if that is Mr. Shearin filling prescriptions. If it is, he would be in his 80s. We wouldn't be surprised if it were him. The store has quite a loyal following and the more things stay the same, the more they like it. We were in the other day for a late breakfast and ran into a friend who owns a business on State Street. She commented that Brown-Gardiner has the best BLTs in Greensboro. That sounds like a good excuse for going back. If you have about 3 minutes, watch this YouTube video. It will help you plan your visit and have an idea of who will be there when you arrive.
Happy Friday!
*reference and read Jim Schlosser's article in O.Henry (2012) HERE on pp. 26-28.
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