Yesterday, we brought you a toad. Today, we're thinking this is some kind of tree frog. He was clinging to a leaf on our bean vine when we were watering. This is either a Gray Treefrog or a Copes Gray Treefrog. The adults size ranges from 1.5" to 2.25". We're thinking this was a baby as it was only about the size of a nickel.
We encourage you to plant edibles and let the beds in your yard be as natural as possible. It is so fun to watch all of the critters in Greensboro's yards. Plus, it is fun to eat the produce, too. There are so many opportunities to learn about urban gardening in Greensboro. The City of Greensboro has community gardens (see HERE); the Out of the Garden Project has an Urban Teaching Farm (see HERE) to name a couple. In the meantime, with that rain we got yesterday, our beans are starting to swell and the amphibians are singing!
Happy Friday, the last weekend of June!