It is hydrangea season in Greensboro and 2017 Walker Avenue is in full bloom. This two bedroom one bathroom house is located just down from UNCG and across the street from the little log cabin*. Hydrangeas like a lot of water and the recent rains have kept these bushes in full bloom. This house was built in 1947 and, according to Zillow, last sold in 2013. This is a very walkable neighborhood, part of the reason houses around here hold their value.
If you are in town this Memorial Day weekend, it would be a good time to drive around and admire the beauty of our neighborhoods. Another great event to attend is the Memorial Day observance today in Country Park at 2:00 pm. It will be held at the Guilford County Veterans' Memorial. Hope to see you there.
Happy Saturday!
* see our post from 2009 about the cabin (HERE).