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« 2306 Lawndale in Kirkwood is Ready for Easter! | Main | 2310 Fairfield Avenue; Going Strong After 77 Years! »

Sunday, March 31, 2024


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Nollie W. Neill, Jr.

My grandparents Carolyn Glascock & John Walton Stokes were founding members of Guilford Park. They lived near by on Rosecrest Drive, where they had a small farm when they bought the property in 1928. I have fond memories of being around Guilford Park with my grandmother in the 1960s - 1980s. I have an old photo that shows this location, with just a sign on it, the church wasn't built yet. THANKS for sharing - Happy Easter!!

Donna Barrier

I attend GPPC presently and attended with my parents when your grandparents were there. They were very special to the church.
I’ve been the Church historian since 1998. Mary Keating was it before me. It was so special seeing this picture and write-up on Easter morning and reading your comment.
Although I was quite young, at the time, I do remember worshipping under the old oak tree.
Donna Barrier

William Kendall

I've only heard the term columbarium used once, in an Anglican church here.

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