The March First Friday was so much fun downtown. In addition to all the regular activities along Elm Street, the Greensboro Cultural Center on Davie Street was filled with performances, vendors, and opportunities to make and see art. The above photo features Joanne Rich facilitating a collage make-and-take. Joanne is an accomplished, award winning collage artist and currently has a piece showing at the Center for Visual Artists, which is located in the Greensboro Cultural Center. At the make-and-take, Joanne gave participants and much help as they wanted and worked on her own piece when workshop participants wanted to work independently. Joanne has quite an eye for taking little scraps of paper and assembling them into something else. We loved her encouraging words along these lines, "Try it and if it you aren't satisfied, glue something over it." And that, we did- more than once!
This event was free and open to the public. In April, the theme for First Friday (April 5th) will be poetry. We look forward to all the offerings at the Greensboro Cultural Center centered around poetry. Mark your calendars; spring will be in full bloom by then. We'll close today's post with a haiku in honor of this upcoming event. (Remember, haiku is usually three lines totaling 17 syllables 5-7-5). Poetry downtown, Poets counting syllables; Forging messages. A big thank you to everyone involved in First Friday on March 1st and a thank you in advance to everyone involved in upcoming events.
Happy Monday!