Hampton Elementary School on Trade Street on the eastern side of Greensboro, was severely damaged in a tornado in April of 2018. Guilford County Schools, the City of Greensboro, and the community at large have been in discussion as to what to do with the school. Ideas ranged from revitalizing it to tearing it down. After other options did not pan out, the Guilford County Schools Board of Education voted to give the land to the City. The hope is to make the property into something the local community- known as Cottage Grove- can use so that children will benefit. * It is a nice piece of land and it was especially pretty yesterday when we visited and the sun was shining. If you notice on the left, the door is open as workers were inside. Most of the noticeable demolition to date is on the back side of the building.
The school is named for William M Hampton who was a physician. Dr. Hampton was also a Board of Education member and the first Black person elected to the Greensboro City Council.** There has been a nomination to include his name as part of the new visual and performing arts elementary school being built to replace Peeler and Hampton Schools. The current nomination seeks to preserve both names. Hampton School is tucked back into a neighborhood. If you are out this weekend, it is worth a drive past it. Perhaps you will have some ideas to share about the land.
Happy Friday!