Happy August 1st everyone! The above photo was taken on Tuesday night with the Tuesday bicycle group that departs from cycles de ORO on Hill Street at 6:30 pm. The Tuesday ride route took us to the Bike Shop at Barber Park in East Greensboro. This is a place where bicycles get donated and volunteers learn to repair them. When they are ready, community agencies come and pick them up to distribute to those who need transportation, usually to work. Just about as fast as they can fix them, agencies request them for their clients. Sheldon Herman (front in blue shirt) is one of the key volunteers. He helps teach people to repair and sees to it that the bikes are given away to people who need them. Also, on Sundays, there is a Bike Library where people visiting Barber Park can borrow a bike and ride it around the park.
This community resource was really good for the riders on the bike tour to see. This is a great repurposing of Greensboro old sewage treatment plant. If you are able to visit Barber Park on a Sunday, you should ask for a tour of the facility. This is such an important and innovative program in Greensboro. Meanwhile, the shop made a good half way point for riders on the 10 mile trek with the added bonus that there was a bathroom. David, who maps the routes (and was inside giving tours as he is very involved in the Bike Shop) took us along McConnel Road and we got to see all of the new houses being built. Riders also appreciated the fact that we didn't have to go on Florida Street, which, from the Bike Shop, is a steady incline for several miles- brutal for a novice cyclist.
Head to the group bicycle ride that leaves from LeBauer Park at 6:30 pm tonight. Get there early if you want a to purchase a beverage from Lawn Service by Little Brother Brewing, one of the sponsors of the ride. Plus you will need to sigh in. There is a fast group and a slow group. No shame for being in the slow boat group. You just don't have to feel like you are holding anyone up.
Happy Thursday, the first day of August! 6