Today's photo features a mural on the back of the Eclectic by Nature shop. The business is located in a stand-alone house on State Street, right beside Vida-Pour-Tea. Owned by Pavane Taylor, it is a shop that specializes in spirituality products. The mural in the above photo sets the tone for the kinds of items you will see when entering the shop. There are prayer flags in the background; the sun, moon, a candle, crystals, and nature in the foreground. For many, these are alternative religions, very different from the God and Christ based religions. However, there are many different types of spirituality present int eh Greensboro community. For those seeking spirituality more related to the elements and nature, this is one of the few go-to places in the area. They should be open today from 11:00 am- 6:00 pm.
Here is a photo we took of the front of the building nine years ago, back in March 2015 when we had snow in Greensboro. The building is so nicely curated inside and out.
Happy Sunday!