With 5 shopping days left before Christmas, retail in Greensboro seems to be steady. The parking lot at Friendly Center is busy and foot traffic seems brisk. The above photo was taken at Anthropologie- located in the "new" side of the shopping center. Pink and glittery seem to be popular with shoppers. The original Friendly Center opened in 1957 and it has done a good job over the last 66 years of staying relevant to shoppers. Part of the key is the variety of stores. There is everything from a bookstore to jewelry stores to a drug store, a post office, pet store, clothing stores, and more.
In 2006, the new side of Friendly Center opened, bringing the largest Harris Teeter in all of North Carolina, an Apple Store, Anthropologie, and more.* Even if you don't NEED anything, it is fun to get out and be part of the crowd this time of year. And, there is the tradition of stopping and getting a photo with the waving Santa, and heading a couple blocks away to Sunset Hills to drive through the streets to see the decorations. If you drive through Sunset Hills, consider swinging by the Harris Teeter and getting some food to consider donating to the food bank collection site at the corner of Ridgeway and Madison.
Happy Wednesday!
*read the Wikipedia entry on Friendly Center HERE.
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