Since September is almost over and it is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we're sharing this photo before October sneaks up on us. If you get a chance, wear teal this month, visit the Research Ovarian Cancer Knowledge Support website at SHE-ROCKS.ORG. The above photo was taken at Revolution Mill, off of Yanceyville Street, near the entrance to Hirsch Wellness Center. Preparing this post reminds us that we need to get by the Cone Health Cancer Center at Wesley Long on Friendly Avenue. While they provide support services, too, it is nice to get out into the community a little and Hirsch at Revolution Mill provides yet another support system. Finally, as you will see at the Silent Auction and Gala on Friday, so many of the healthcare professionals involved with treating cancer patients also donate their art, money, and time to Hirsch.
The saying "it takes a village" extends beyond raising children, but also fits so many other situations, especially centered around the big "C". When we interview and ask them what they like most about Greensboro, the number one answer is "the people." We wish you a happy Tuesday and hope that you have a special community of support and social network, if it is for wellness and self care!