Our Lady of Grace (OLG) is a Roman Catholic Church in the Sunset Hills neighborhood of Greensboro. According to their website, they are a welcoming community that helps members have a close relationship with Christ through prayer, the sacraments, and charitable service. Located at 2203 West Market Street, the church is highly visible from the road. The church was erected as a memorial to Ethel Clay Price by her husband. She was a devout Catholic. This year is the 70th anniversary of the Parrish.
The architecture of the church resembles Our Lady of Refuge in Brooklyn, New York. There is a really nice Wikipedia entry about the church (see HERE). The above photo shows people hurrying to get to the service. How nice there is a sidewalk in front of the church. OLG is as beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside.
Happy Sunday!
A bit different from what I'd expect.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, September 09, 2023 at 04:20 PM