When some people hear the words "fall ball", the first thing they think of is baseball. However, kickball is gaining in popularity. The sportl was invented in the United States in Cincinnati, Ohio, at the beginning of the 20th century. It was conceptualized as a safe way to teach children the basics of baseball.* The above photo features a kickball game in progress at Carolyn Allen Park at 2610 Drawbridge Parkway, near Kernodle Middle School and Well-Spring Retirement Community. It is the co-ed, Monday league for beginners. The league is one of the many programs of the Greensboro Parks & Recreation. In addition to the beginners program, there are Tuesday and Wednesday competitive recreational, kickball leagues.
While we were watching, the black team, Burn Beasts, were competing against the red team, Wasted Potential. Almost all of the team names are equally clever: Natural Born Kickers, Justice Served, Brady Bunch, Attractive Nuisance, and more. Players must be at least 18 years of age and follow rules of good sportsmanship. Participants looked like they were having fun and coaches were helping newer players learn their positions. Kickball has six basic skills: Kicking, throwing, catching, fielding, pitching, and running. Greensboro is so lucky to have a great network of parks and a Parks & Recreation Department that designs programs, like kickball, to bring people together. Head up to Carolyn Allen Park on Monday evening if you want to learn more. The site supervisor was a big help to us!
Happy Tuesday!
* read about the history of kickball HERE.