A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. A flamboyance of flamingos has landed at 1812 Walker Avenue. Earlier this month (September 4th) flamingos were spotted at the Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. They were about 1,000 miles north of their usual habitat. Well, the above photos are also in an unexpected habitat, in a yard in Sunset Hills. Traditionally, this is a church youth group fundraiser; people install flamingos and you pay to have them removed. If you want to see live flamingos, you don't have to drive far. The Greensboro Science Center maintains a flamboyance of flamingos. They look very healthy and bright pink given their diet of foods containing carotenoid pigment. Here is a photo we took of them a little over a year ago.
As for the house at 1812 Walker Avenue, built in 1927, grabbed our attention as we drove around the corner. Wonder where they will land next.
Happy Tuesday!