If you haven't been to Revolution Mill and you care about the history of textiles in Greensboro, you owe it to yourself to stop by Revolution Mill and have a look at all of the machinery related to Greensboro's textile industry. Also, you will find information about denim. At one time, Greensboro was the top producer of denim in the world. You can learn what makes denim blue, including the chemical composition (the ring dye effect). There are so many machines and denim samples. Revolution Mill was a textile factory that was opened by the Cone Brothers in 1898 Revolution Mill has been repurposed and has many parts open to the public. Access is easy from the Cugino Forno side of the former factory. There is so much to see, especially on the first floor.
Next week, we will share information about Hirsch Wellness Network and their online art auction which is currently underway. The above exhibit is just down the hall from Hirsch. As a matter of fact, the unidentified musician in the above photo was walking to Hirsch to perform for an event on Thursday night. Saturday is a good day to mill about at Revolution, located at 1,000 Revolution Mill Drive.
Happy Saturday!