Sully Sullenberger was the first speaker in the new season of the Guilford College Bryan Series. This is the second year the Bryan Series has been held at the Tanger Center downtown. Last night's event was well attended and the audience was engaged as Sully talked about the harrowing 300 seconds before guiding a disabled Airbus 320 into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. Once he made the decision to make an emergency water landing, he had to decide what to tell the 155 people on the plane. He said he knew passengers and crew needed to hear from the Captain and he needed to sound calm and confident. He chose his words carefully, telling everyone to "Brace for impact."
He also talked about his career path, what it takes to be a pilot, and the importance of students taking civics classes and understanding the importance of acting for the good of others, not just ourselves. He also talked about post event and the many hours of interviews related to the event. He talked about the initial toll it took on his sleep, not being able to sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time the first few days. Then, at age 57, he said his blood pressure was around 108/50, but after the event, it soared to 150/100- likening the situation to PTSD. One tactic Sully used for working through these after effects was writing about the event. He has retired from U.S. Airways and now focuses on public speaking, advocating for policies that make flying as safe as possible, and writing. Last night, he fielded questions from the audience, including from the woman who had been in seat 2C that day.
The theme for the 2023-2024 Bryan Series is Heroes in our Midst. Indeed, Chesley Burnett "Sully" Sullenberger III was a great beginning to this year's series.
Happy Friday!