Tuesday is the day for the group bicycle ride that leaves from Cycles de Oro on Hill Street at 6:30 pm. It is a slower paced ride where someone rides in the back to make sure that everyone makes it through the ride. Above, is Treva, one of the store employees at Cycles de Oro. Treva usually rides on the rides and is so fun to talk to. When we first met her, she had just purchased a new bicycle and took it on an inaugural ride on the Tuesday ride. Treva also helped us find the perfect helmet and lighting system so that we could ride more safely. If you want to find a bike store and a person who will help you on exactly the level needed, find Treva at Cycles.
While riding with her, we learned that during Covid, she retired from nursing, left her home at the North Carolina coast, and bicycled all the way across country to Oregon. Can you imagine? Coast to coast!. She has so many adventures and memories from that cycling adventure. We asked about her route and she said there were two states she avoided, due to the mountains, West Virginia and Colorado. Her smile in this photo is insight to her sunny disposition.
That's a lot of bikes.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, July 28, 2023 at 08:19 AM