Jim Gallucci's Millennium Gate, located in the 200 block of South Greene Street, was dedicated on December 30, 2000. When we featured the 20' tall gate on Greensboro Daily Photo in 2016 (see HERE), we featured the whole gate. Earlier in the summer, we spent quite a bit of time at Governmental Plaza, especially focusing on the individual components of the gate. Seventeen artists were involved in creating the 105 icons on the gate and spanning 1,000 years of history. These icons were selected by the Greensboro Community.*
Because our public library system does so much for the Greensboro community, we honed in on the section of the gate showcasing the Greensboro Public Library. Look at that child reading a book and how the "cut out" parts of the book open up to reveal the world at the child's fingertips. And then there are the children at the bottom with doors opening for them. All of this opportunity is made possible thanks to a library card, and we are seeing it thanks to the artist who created it and Jim Gallucci who sculpted it out of galvanized steel and silicon bronze!
*Reference and see more details, here.
Very eclectic.
Posted by: William Kendall | Friday, July 28, 2023 at 08:37 PM