Barber Park is a 109 acre park on the east side of Greensboro. It has so many amenities; above is a photo of the spray park where children have so much fun. The spray park is part of the playground area that was part of a 2.4 million dollar renovation. We arrived yesterday, just before it opened and watched one of the workers checking water quality. Once the test showed the chlorine level was correct, the doors were opened to visitors. The spray park has been open since Memorial Day. See more of Barber Park's amenities HERE. Truly, it is a great community resource.
According to a great article in the Our State Magazine, the tradition of parks in Greensboro dates back to 1902. In Greensboro, having community parks actually increased the value of nearby land. Lindley Park and County Park were two of the early ones. We're going to try to get around to as many of them as possible this summer. Each has a special personality.
Happy Tuesday!
A good water feature.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 01:07 PM