Today's photo is a green tree frog. He perched on the door and spent the whole evening getting a meal. Here is a really nice website about frogs and toads of North Carolina. It helps in identifying local frogs and toads. What kind do you think this one was? It was found on a window in northeast Greensboro. Part of the secret to having your yard serve as a habitat for frogs and toads is that you need a water source and a natural part of the yard.
Another thing we've been seeing this week is lightning bugs. They thrive in summer heat and like a higher , unmanicured lawns. So far, we've only seen asynchronous fireflies in Greensboro. However, in the mountains of North Carolina, there are synchronous fireflies. The call went out for people to win an opportunity to go see them (see HERE). We didn't enter the lottery, so we didn't have a chance to win. In the meantime, we'll keep documenting the food and toads. Have you ever seen the synchronous fireflies in the North Carolina mountains?
Happy Thursday!
This one seems at ease.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 12:23 PM