Urban walking can yield interesting results. The above photo was taken in Peabody Park on the campus of University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Do you have any idea what it is? Well, we didn't either until we went and read the sign on the upper left side of the structure. From that sign, we learned that it is an insect trap and is part of a project in the biology department. Near the sign, there is a bottle of water with several mosquitos in it. The design appears to be working. Just beyond this net trap, in a field of native grasses, are a couple of bluebird boxes and a marshy wetland. These ecosystems are ripe for hands-on research projects and have been used by university and pre-collegiate classrooms alike.
This use of the Peabody Park is aligned with its original use when constructed in 1901. Then President Charles Duncan, established the park as a place for recreation and hands-on learning.* UNCG has changed so much since its early days as the State Normal and Industrial School. Peabody Park is smaller, there is no longer a lake, but here is still a creek meanders through,there is a small part of a golf course, and a nice path to take and interact with nature.
Happy Tuesday!
An unusual concept.
Posted by: William Kendall | Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 07:35 PM