Happy St. Patrick's Day. Greensboro will be awash with all things green, especially green libations for adults interested in partaking.* As for us, we are out with our trusty canine looking for leprechauns and pots of gold. So far, all we have only managed to find is a little green man on a manhole cover. He has been painted green by the utility company. Do you think that is a hint treasure is nearby? We have written about manhole covers twice on Greensboro Daily Photo; once in 2012 when we dug into the history of the Pomona Foundry that used to be in Greensboro and made manhole covers (see here). If our research is correct, they were acquired by Acme Castings left and moved from Greensboro (Pomona area near West Market and Spring Garden Streets) in 1969.
The second time we featured manhole covers was just about a year ago, when we were navigating the During-COVID- Era (DCE?) and wrote about the manhole rubbings done by Vito Ciccone (see here). That is an interesting post, if you haven't read it already. There, you can see that the above manhole cover design says "City of Greensboro North Carolina 1808" and you will realize the man in the middle is General Nathanael Greene, not a leprechaun. Do you have any manhole covers near where you live or walk? If so, look at what they say on them. We're wondering if any new covers are still cast with "Greensboro" or "Pomona" on them. What do the new ones say? These manhole covers weigh from 90-250 pounds. Do you know why they are round? Because the circle shape prevents them from ever being able to collapse inside!
Enough about manhole covers. We think we'll head over to M'Coul's Public House on West McGee Street downtown and have one of their (what we call) Irish meal bites: Deep fried, wonton wrapped corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots.
Happy Friday! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
* See here for these adult events.
Cute dog!
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, March 18, 2023 at 08:34 PM