Evenings have been so lovely in Greensboro this week. The above photo was taken when we were in "West End" getting food at Wylie's Gourmet- from their parking lot. As we sat in the car, looking east, we noticed just how lovely the lighting at twilight was. While the moon was full, it doesn't show up very will in the photo. Regardless, it helps illuminate the sky. The cement curb, framing the parking lot, adds contrast and yet another line in the photograph.
Spring has definitely sprung in Greensboro. As you can in the trees on the left, deciduous trees have begun to regain their leaves. While telephone poles detect from photos, sometimes, if you build them into the photo, they can actually enhance a view. They sure did help draw in the eye and focal point in the above photo.
Happy Thursday!
A beautiful shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, March 09, 2023 at 08:41 AM