A church is a public place made available for worship. Today's "church" is a display set up in the middle of the Antique Marketplace on Burnt Poplar Road. Master interior decorator and room stager, Lori Gray, often stages the displays at the entrance of Antique Marketplace. Sometimes she brings in items to use. Other times, she just walks around the antique mall and takes items for sale at the different vendors' booths and assembles them in the middle of the store. The above photo is a scene, a church, she staged recently. The more you look at the display, the more references you will see. A fan on the altar for hot days, before there was air conditioning, shine brightly reflecting the light from the lamps. There are crosses on the doors- probably 20 feet tall. The trumpets represent the music in church. Ladies Sunday-go-to-church hats are on the chairs beside purses, and a collection plate. In the middle is a painting of the Last Supper.
This display is so creative. Have you ever seen one quite like it in an antique mall. As we walked the aisles, passing by the display a few times, by the end, we really did want to sit, rest, and have a little silent meditation. A church is a public place made available for worship. So, technically, last Tuesday night, we went to church. However, we need to get back and drop a few dollars in the collection plate. Remember church, synagogue, temple, or mosque is not about the physical space as much as what we do there.
Happy Sunday!
That is creative.
Posted by: William Kendall | Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 03:53 PM