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« Happy New Year: 2022 in Review | Main | A Beautiful Fog, Hovering Over Greensboro »

Monday, January 02, 2023


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Christine C.

I moved to the Greensboro area in 2019, and I appreciate your blog and photos so much. Your efforts have helped me to learn so much about the area and all the wonderful people and places. Thank you for all you do.


Happy 15th year to Mr and Mrs Greensboro Photo Blog! I love the picture from Santiago de Chile and I hope that 2023 will be filled with many new adventures for you. Keep up the good work!

William Kendall

Bravo on the milestone.

Becky McMillian

Really enjoyed this read, even more so you sharing your adventures and the amazing photos ❤️

Bobby Craddock

I love this Photo of the Two of You.
Happy 15th Anniversary.
This Blog is so Wonderful and such an Effort on Your Part.
Thank You!

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