Tabitha Brown, Vegan Food & Kitchen Collection Drops January 8. Such was the signage at Hamburger Square yesterday afternoon. Tabitha Brown is an actress, published author, social media personality, and more from Eden, North Carolina. She became vegan to help her cope with chronic fatigue and pain. Her demeanor and programs are said to be comforting. She is a motivational speaker who has been on Good Morning America. If you have not heard of her before, start with the Wikipedia page, and you will go down the rabbit hole of wanting to know more and more. To give you insight into the kind of person she is, Ms. Brown moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career; however, when her mother was diagnosed with ALS, she returned to North Carolina to take care of her mother. She also lived in Greensboro for five years. Her breakthrough career in food and and healthy eating came when she made anvideo for a vegan BLT sandwich for Whole Foods Market.
Now, we are curious as to the details of her kitchen collection being released this Sunday. We wonder where the billboard truck was headed yesterday, and why it was driving down Elm Street at 3:45 in the afternoon. Actually, you can learn a lot about Greensboro by hanging out at Hamburger Square. It is a little amusing that a mobile ad for veganism popped up on HAMBURGER Square. Ms. Brown is married to a retired LAPD police officer. They have two children, Choyce and Queston. The Browns are thriving in California. It is nice to know that they still have ties to North Carolina. We love the serendipity of what we will see, and have time to photograph, when traffic is stopped for a train rolling through The Gate City.
Happy Thursday!
A good street shot.
Posted by: William Kendall | Thursday, January 05, 2023 at 08:36 AM