Oh how we wish we'd met James Clarkson Newlin. His was a life well lived. He gave his all to Guilford College, his Quaker faith, and to issues of social justice.* His parents were professors at Guiford College, so he came by his service to the Quaker community and Guilford College honestly. Mr. Newlin graduated from Guilford College in 1960 with a degree in chemistry. He went on to eventually become Chief Financial Officer for the college, served as Executive Director of Eastern Music Festival, Executive Director of the African Dance Ensemble in Durham; he co-founded the New Garden Friends School, and so much more. He worked hard to keep Painter Boulevard/the Urban Loop from going through his beloved Guilford College. When his estate sale was announced, we just had to attend to get a glimpse of the life of a man who had done so much in the community. We attended yesterday and can imagine his sitting at the above desk, typing on those manual typewriters, but betting he was tech savvy and a user of modern technology.
Mr. Newlin was a passionate collector; not of trinkets, but of top quality antiques: From jade carvings, to original paintings, to vintage pocket watches, and much more. After seeing his home and collections, you feel like you know him. His desk in the lower level of his house has a breathtaking view of his woods on the edge of Guilford College. He could have walked to work, and probably did. We imagine him sitting at that very desk reading a book from his massive collection, reading the newspaper, or searching something on the internet. His estate sale continues through the weekend. Seeing 5512 Foxwood is a step back in time and an opportunity to connect with someone who was dedicated to Greensboro in every way. Mr. Newlin had no children. Likely his sister did not want much of his estate; giving the general public the opportunity to traipse through the house and purchase his treasures. If you knew Mr. Newlin, we'd love to hear your stories about him.
We hope you have a beautiful weekend. Let us take time to celebrate the elderly in our lives. Happy Saturday!
* See his obituary HERE,
That desk has great appeal.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 03:06 PM
That desk has great appeal.
Posted by: William Kendall | Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 03:06 PM